Home > C++ > Inheritance , Classroom Exercise, NIIT student

Inheritance , Classroom Exercise, NIIT student

Create a class called publication that store the title ( a string ) and price ( type float ) of a publication. From this class, derive two class: book which adds a page count ( type int ); and tape , which adds a playing time (type int ) in minutes. Each of these classes should have a getdata() function to get its data from the user, and a putdata() to display its data.


using namespace std;
class publication
char title[50] ;
float price;
void getdata()
cout << " Enter publication title : " ; cin >> title;
cout << " Enter publication price : " ; cin >> price;

void putdata()
cout << " Publication title : " << title << endl; cout << " Publication price : " << price << endl; } }; // end of class publication class book : public publication { private: int pageCount ; public: void getdata() { publication::getdata(); cout << " Enter page count : " ; cin >> pageCount;
void putdata()
cout << " Page count : " << pageCount ; cout << endl; } }; class tape : public publication { private: int playingtime; public: void getdata() { publication::getdata(); cout << " Enter page count : "; cin >> playingtime;
void putdata()
cout << " Playing time : " << playingtime; cout << endl; } }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { book mybook; tape mytape; // get the book data mybook.getdata(); mybook.putdata(); // get the tape data mytape.getdata(); mytape.putdata(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } [/sourcecode] .. That what i've done with the exercise ...

Categories: C++
  1. steerapong
    July 10, 2008 at 6:12 pm

    May be there are those who have a good idea than this , share it

  2. January 7, 2009 at 6:20 pm

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